Following on from the success of my last grow, I decided to stick with my plan and grow some Dutch Passion bud. Their strains are so stable, and they can take a bit of punishment..... well, these girls are gonna get that with me!
I fancy some nice heavy Indica with a bit of flavour, so Blue Automazar is my choice for 2 plants, and I'm also gonna grow one of the fabled Think Different, something I have always wanted to smoke.
Strain information
Blue AutoMazar combines the best of two of Dutch Passions legendary original automatics into a new heavy yielding potent hybrid. It is a cross of AutoBlueberry and AutoMazar, two of their most popular varieties.
Harvest around 75 days after germination and typically grows to 80-100cm tall. They need space as the plants like to spread out.
Composition: 75% indica and 25% sativa.
A complicated array of fruit aromas and occasional scents of spice, pepper, earthy.
The effect is strong, happy and sedating on the body.
Yields for most growers will be 75-100 grams, although the most experienced growers will be able to crop 200g++ from a single plant.
Think Different
A high yielding autoflowering strain with legendary superior potency levels.
A Dutch Passion genebank strain called AK420 was used to start the process, this is a heavy yielding AK47 hybrid with extreme potency levels. AK420 was systematically crossed with a carefully chosen Ruderalis.
Seed to harvest is 63-80 days, typically growing 1-1.5m tall
Composition: 60% Sativa, 20% Indica and 20% Ruderalis
Sweet and spicy scents with earthy, plum tones
Occasionally yielding 250-300g per plant under optimum conditions. THC levels measured at 18%

I am toying with the idea of scrogging them, I saw some fine work by Hazy on the DP website where he grows 2 Blue Automazars in a single pot, training the main stem horizontally each side, then training the side branches to give loads of tops. He's also quite happy to supercrop and even top DP autos, with lovely results.
In the end though, I will probably just do what I did in my last grow, give or take a few minor modifications and improvements.

I made up 3x 20 Litre Airpots with 100% Canna Coco Plus, this time, pretty much right up to the edge, because I found that last time, the level of the surface dropped during the grow, and I wanted to raise the plants away from the edges of the pot to get better airflow and make feeding easier.
I gave the Coco a good soaking with EC 0.6 feed using the same line of House and Garden nutrients and directly planted the 3 seeds, finally I covered the airpots with clingfilm, and let them sit under the last Critical Jack (1) auto while she ripened in her last week.
Like a stoned fool, I cocked up the labelling....I blame the Wife, she called me out at a critical moment

Now that I have harvested the Critical Jack, I've got more room in the tent, so I replaced the extraction ducting and re-jigged the electrics.... the seedling popped 14 days ago, so here they are at day 14....
So that's where we are... EC is at 1.0 ph 5.8, and I give them 500ml 4-5 times a day.
Hope you enjoy the ride!
Last night, while trying to avoid falling asleep watching West Ham squeeze through to the next round of the FA Cup (Come on you Irons!), I tested the EC of the run off, after giving a EC 1.0 feed, it was between EC 0.5 - 0.6, so I upped the feed to EC 1.1, and this morning all looked good. I'll probably keep them at this level for 2-3 days before testing again.
Looking back at my last grow, the exact same situation regarding EC happened, so on track there..... it's just that the plants were slightly bigger in the last grow at this stage....
I can only put it down to lighting...... for this grow, I had the Helios 6 over 2 plants, and a Helios 2 over one. 8 Helios clusters in all.
Now I have done what I did last time, adding the extra Helios 2 so that I now have 2 plants under their own Helios 2's and one will have the Helios 6 to herself.
Heights were 28" last time, I've gone for 25" today. 10 Helios clusters in total.