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Teetee's back on the Autos again!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 12:13 am
by teetee
It's time for another Teehee grow, and as usual, I'm in a hurry to get things done.

In 3 days time, we have a rental inspection, so the tent is down and the place is tidy.... you'd never guess this has been a cannabis farm for the past 2 years!

I finished my last grow about a month ago... a run of Feminised Photoperiods... I'm very happy with the harvest, and I'll certainly run photos again, but I'm back on the Autos cos I wanna be done and dusted in 15 weeks.... the lease on our rental ends, and we wanna move out.

So, I've been planning ahead.....

10 days ago, I filled 4 cups with some Coco, watered them with a simple EC 0.7 feed and sowed 1 each of the following Autoflowering seeds....

    Dutch Passion's 'Glueberry OG'
    Dutch Passion's 'Night Queen'
    Dinafem's 'Blue Amnesia XXL'
    Mephisto's 'Toofless Alien'
I've grown these all before, and can't wait to get the jars loaded with these favourites. There's strength, taste, and heavy harvests in store.

Normally, I cover the pots in cling film, cover them with cardboard, and stick them in the tent under a light for some warmth for the seeds to germinate.

No tent up meant no light, meaning no heat. Temps are 20-25°C during the day, but drop to 10-12°C at night so I dug out a heat mat.... unused and bought in the UK 6 years ago.... knew it would come in handy one day.

I put the heat mat under a tray with the pots, and covered it all with a big plastic tub to keep the light out and the humidity in....
day 0 group.JPG

This method is 100% reliable, and sure enough 3 days later, all 4 seedlings had popped through.....

Toofless Alien came first, I got these seeds back in Jan 2017 as part of a prize from another site.... these seeds could be 3 years old.... and I still have one more left after this, kept safe in a fridge.

Blue Amnesia was 2nd followed by Glueberry and Night Queen.... but they were all within hours of each other.

As I didn't want the tent up yet, I needed some place to keep the new seedlings going.

I thought about buying a small tent, then I thought about doing a small cabinet conversion.....

then it hit me.... don't laugh.....
day 1 box 2.JPG

A cardboard box!!!

It's pretty stiff, double thickness and on it's side, it's roughly 80cm high and 50cm x 50cm wide.

I found a 4" extraction fan and some ducting, so I drilled a hole in the side for the extraction, 3 small holes in the other side for passive intake, and a hole in the top to stick the dome of a Skyline 100 through......
day 1 box 1.JPG

It makes a nice temporary growbox, and it didn't cost a cent!

Here's a close up of them on day 1....
day 1 group.JPG

Did you see that???

Is the Glueberry looking different???
day 1 GB.JPG

One seed planted in clean Coco..... 2 seedlings!

I decided to keep her as she is.... I don't expect the weaker twin to do particularly well, and the 'better' one is likely to be stunted to some degree, but it will be interesting to see what happens.... I could end up with some super strong mutant!

Today they are on day 7, and I gave them their first feed using the same EC 0.7 mix I used for germinating them, adjusted to pH 5.8. I also raised them using another high tech device.....
day 7 group 1.JPG

From above....
day 7 group 2.JPG

day 7 group 3.JPG

Here's a closer look at the Glueberry.....
day 7 GB.JPG

Only another 3 days of this makeshift madness and I can put the tent up, get a Skyline 400 over them, and get this grow on the go!

I plan to keep this run fairly simple, I'll veg them as I always do.... very little stress for maximum growth, repotting at 2-3 weeks aiming for 25L airpots. I just need to order some Coco.

In Bloom, I plan to give PK13/14 but that's it... no Top Shooter/BAC F1 etc in the final few weeks..... I want to finish quick and I wanna see if there's any difference in the final product.

Thanks for joining me, all the best of growing karma to you!

Re: Teetee's back on the Autos again!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 12:18 am
by teetee
day 14

Yeah, so the tent's back up again, and the seedlings are doing well.
day 14 group 1.JPG
clockwise from top left: Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia XXL, Glueberry OG and Night Queen

'Hey Tee, looking a bit pale there' you might say, but that's the Skyline 400 giving that appearance... from above with no light, just flash, they look like this...
day 14 group 2.JPG

They were initially on an EC 0.7 mix, which I upped to EC 0.8 yesterday on day 13.

I'm mixing 0.2ml/L Cal Mag into 20L of EC 0 rainwater, dividing into 2 and adding 0.3ml/L H&G Cocos A&B, remixing then adding Drip Clean and Roots Exxcellurator at their recommended levels of 0.1ml/L and 0.3ml/L respectively, and Nitrogen Boost at 0.5ml/L. pH adjusted to 5.8.

Coco's on the way, so I plan to repot them into 25L airpots next weekend.

They are still on a heat mat, set to 23°C, it's about 25°C inside the tent and the lights are on 24/0.

That's about it, so thanks for taking the time to look in!

Re: Teetee's back on the Autos again!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 11:22 am
by ledbud
working that sky100, nice grow box.
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Re: Teetee's back on the Autos again!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 11:51 am
by Newgrow420
Nice to see you back on autos mate.
No doubt you'll rock the shit out these bitches too!!

Only you could get 125% germination rate! hahaha :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

That grow box is super cool :grin:::::

Re: Teetee's back on the Autos again!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:30 am
by teetee
Newgrow420 wrote:Nice to see you back on autos mate.
No doubt you'll rock the shit out these bitches too!!

Only you could get 125% germination rate! hahaha :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

That grow box is super cool :grin:::::

ledbud wrote:working that sky100, nice grow box.
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Cheers Guys, I had to get busy with the Girls this week.... the Coco finally arrived, so on day 18 I decided to repot them from their germination cups, into the final 25L airpots.....
day 18 repot 1.JPG

day 18 repot 2.JPG
clockwise from top left: Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia XXL, Glueberry OG and Night Queen.

I tried this method before, last year, when I grew the White Widow, Blue Amnesia, Glueberry OG and Night Queen, repotting at 9 days. This time I repotted on day 18, and although the seedlings were fairly small, I think I should have repotted a week earlier....... the roots had hit the bottom of the cups this time.

Now at day 20, they are noticeably smaller than plants I usually grow at this stage.

3 reasons....

    A few of the root tips will have got damaged during the transfer
    I was using a Skyline 100W LED unit for germination instead of a Skyline 400W
    Growing for a week longer in a small cup will have limited their growth
Here's plants from a previous grow at day 18....
day 18  group.JPG

There's a Glueberry, Night Queen Blue Amnesia and White WIdow in there..... MUCH bigger at 18 days compared to this current lot on day 20......
day 20 group.JPG
clockwise from top left: Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia XXL, Glueberry OG and Night Queen.

Never mind, they're healthy, have settled well into their new homes, and they are progressing well....

Toofless Alien was always a good looking plant, this one's gonna be no exception....
day 20 TA.JPG

Night Queen is looking vigorous and healthy.....
day 20 NQ.JPG

Blue Amnesia is just a tiny bit smaller than the first two, but being an XXL, she's gonna go a bit longer, so she'll shift up the gears in the next couple of weeks.
day 20 BA.JPG

Finally the Glueberry OG Conjoined Twins, looking great......
day 20 GB.JPG

They all have a Skyline 400 each now, and I switched the lighting down from 24/0 to 20/4.

That may be another reason for the smaller plants.... I usually go full hog 24/0..... and yeah, I get monsters in the end, but this grow, I'm trying to improve the quality rather than focus on quantity....

.... plus I'm trying to save cash.

Re: Teetee's back on the Autos again!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 11:11 am
by ledbud
they coming on nicely. twins I think need tie down the big one so they both will get big.
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Re: Teetee's back on the Autos again!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:54 pm
by teetee
I'm such a lazy bastard, we had a public holiday yesterday, and today I'm bunking off.... new job as well, so I'm taking the piss a bit really.....
:grin:::: :grin:::: :grin:::: :grin:::: :grin:::: it's 9.30am... smoking some Gorilla to get the day going, so I may as well put up some pics...

I'm happy with their progress, every time I look at them they've grown!
day 23 group.JPG
clockwise from top left: Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia, Glueberry OG conjoined twins, and Night Queen

Toofless Alien is probably the best so far...
day 23 TA 1.JPG

day 23 TA 2.JPG

.... but Night Queen is a close second.....
day 23 NQ 1.JPG

day 23 NQ 2.JPG

Blue Amnesia is a little bit smaller, but she spends a week longer in veg, so she'll catch up and motor past the others as the grow progresses.....
day 23 BA 1.JPG

day 23 BA 2.JPG

Finally the Glueberry OG twins.....
day 23 GB 1.JPG

ledbud wrote:they coming on nicely. twins I think need tie down the big one so they both will get big.

Exactly Bro, just what I was thinking.
This is what I came up with....
day 23 GB 2.JPG

Here's a closer look...
day 23 GB 3.JPG

That's it for now, gonna make some Canna Coconut Oil Chai, and enjoy a lovely sunny day in the countryside!

Re: Teetee's back on the Autos again!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 8:19 pm
by ledbud
very nice bro, they going be yummy.
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Re: Teetee's back on the Autos again!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:36 pm
by teetee
Hi, it's been a while since the last update, and plenty's been going on.

The last pics were from day 23. As a reminder, here's a group shot.....
day 23 group.JPG
clockwise from top left: Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia XXL, Glueberry OG and Night Queen

Here's how they were on day 29....
day 29 group.JPG

Look at that Night Queen, she was taking off! The Glueberry has also been busy! I've been training the main stems of the Siamese Twins to either side.

Here they are on day 36....
day 36 group.JPG

the Blue Amnesia is moving up a gear and is now bigger than the Toofless Alien. That's no surprise, the Blue Amnesia gets huge, and so does the Glueberry. Toofless Alien is a smaller but very lovely looking plant in general, and this one's no exception.

..... and today on day 40.....
day 40 group.JPG

Lots to say about this picture.... let's start with the Night Queen..... lots of brown leaves.

Here she is back on day 29... not looking too bad.....
day 29 NQ2.JPG

But can you see those yellow tips just starting to show in the new growth of the main stem?
day 29 NQ3.JPG
day 29 NQ3.JPG (104.58 KiB) Viewed 53747 times

I was surprised as she was drinking the most, and growing the fastest.

I have been really easy on the feeds. They all started on an EC 0.7 mix, increasing to EC 0.8 after day 13. They all looked great, and this one especially took off.

I give her about 6L daily getting run off pH of 5.8 but the EC was 0.9... slightly higher than the input feed of EC 0.8 (but then so are the others and they are fine)

Temps are good, 20°C at night for 4 hours then 18 hours of light with temps up to 29°C

By day 35, all the tops were showing yellow tips.....
day 36 NQ1.JPG

day 36 NQ4.JPG

.....and also some brown patches on the mid to older fan leaves...
day 36 NQ3.JPG

day 36 NQ5.JPG

day 36 NQ6.JPG

I thought over feeding at first... nute burn maybe... but she was drinking well, and growing nicely too, so I left it, but now the patches...
I thought that might be Cal Mag deficiency, especially the Mag side of things?

So I lowered the EC of the feed to 0.7 and increased the amount of Cal Mag from 0.2ml/L to 0.3ml/L

By day 38 she stopped drinking, but was still growing.... in fact she was ahead of the others, flowers starting to form on lots of tops.

I decided to start flushing her with EC 0 pH 5.8 water, and have been doing that for the last 2 days, and the EC of the run off has dropped to EC 0.3 pH 5.9, so I reckon tomorrow I'll start back on the feeds again..... I just want to have her drinking a bit before I crack on again with her.

Here she is today on day 40.... looking a little worse for wear, but she's stabilised, and no more leaves are going patchy....
day 40 NQ1.JPG

day 40 NQ2.JPG

Glueberry is also an interesting plant, she is a couple of Siamese twins, and I've had to train her main stems out to either side to let both twins grow.

The smaller twin has no chance against the might of her bigger sister..... bending over the stems has made her enormous, and the little'un is just tucked away under the foliage.

Here she is on day 29... and that's all the Big Sis, her main stem is at 9 o clock, and Lil Sis is under the leaves at 3 o clock.
day 29 GB2.JPG

I'm very impressed with the effects of training the main stem out to the side.... all the side stems come up and out giving an enormous canopy full of flowering tops. I might do this routinely in future grows.
Here she is today on day 40, spreading out nicely....
day 40 GB.JPG

I'm thinking of installing a Skyline 100 as a side light to help out Lil Sis. Poor thing... I should have put her out of her misery a long time ago.

Toofless Alien is chugging along nicely, Previous Aliens I've done have been beautiful plants with lovely structure and solid buds, so I'm hoping this one will be the same... so far, so good.
Here she is on day 40, again loads of flowering tops....
day 40 TA.JPG

Blue Amnesia is an XXL plant, so takes a little longer in veg, she's very bushy and the tops are showing through after a bit of leaf tucking....
day 40 BA.JPG

Yup, she's also getting yellow tips..... I'm hoping she's not gonna go the same way as the Night Queen....

All of them (except the flushing Queen) are on an EC 0.8 pH 5.8 feed, with increased Cal Mag and a splash of Nitrogen Boost to help them get that structure in for the impending Buddage.

That's more than enough for this update, I need a joint and some kip.... it's almost 4 in the morning over here!

Re: Teetee's back on the Autos again!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:55 am
by teetee
Just a quick update... my forehead is red and sore from repeated facepalming.... :roll:

OK so I WAS keeping the EC of the feed low, 0.8 is pretty low for week 6 by anyone's standards.

The problem was the Nitrogen Boost I was adding as it has an NPK of 27-0-0, and I've been giving it at 0.5ml/L this grow, where normally I max at 0-3 to 0.4ml/L and give a bit more A&B instead.

The clue was in the leaves.... in general, very dark green, so despite having a low feed strength, the high Nitrogen content was causing the problems.... DOH!!! :roll:

The Night Queen got burned, then locked out and this resulted in the Cal-Mag deficiencies as it had stopped taking up any nutrient..... the tips on the Blue Amnesia (like I said in the last post) and Glueberry were just starting to do this ao I had to act fast to prevent them locking out as well......

So as well as the Night Queen, I flushed them ALL with plain EC 0 pH 5.8 water, and got the run off on all of them down from EC 1.0 to around EC 0.3 over 2-3 days during the weekend.
Then I mixed up a standard EC 0.7 feed made up with just the A&B, some Roots Excellurator and Multizyme and gave that as a recovery feed.

NPK of the new feed was 3.1-1.5-4.7 compared to 15.8-0.9-2.9 when I was giving the EC 0.8 feed with 0.5ml/L Nitrogen boost.

I've given this for 2 days now, the run off is EC 0.6 for all of them, and they are all drinking very well again. Run off pH is looking good and all.

They are all in flower now.... the Blue Amnesia is still a bit behind the others, but is shaping up well for a big finish.... and the other 3 are looking great.... the Glueberry is gonna be a huge one, the Toofless Alien is gonna be the pretty one, and I have high hopes for the Night Queen as well, even though her leaves have suffered a bit.

Here they are today on day 45 as a group. Exactly at the halfway mark!
I swapped the Night Queen and the Alien to give the (enormous) Glueberry and the Night Queen some more space....
day 45 group.JPG
Clockwise from top left, Night Queen, Blue Amnesia, Glueberry OG and Toofless Alien

Thanks for looking in, and I hope you'll continue to visit they progress into the usual monsters.